Schola has many Online English courses for children.
🤔 So what is the difference between each of these courses?
✔️ 1 on 1 class with native teachers
🔹 1:1 class will help children improve in English, communication, pronunciation and grammar.
🔹 Direct interaction with native teachers.
✔️ Schola Live 1 class with group:
✨ Help children experience practical STEAM topics in life.
✨ Includes topics: Science, Art, Space, Engineering, English.
✨ Communicate with their classmates.
✨ Practice your child's project after the lesson and then sharing on the Schola Community.
So can parents register for both classes?
Of course it is! Topic of live classes will be announced 1-2 weeks in advance and parents will receive notifications immediately via app/email.
📍Register for a free trial of the Schola Kids program:
📍Join the Schola community to stay up to date with deals and useful information!